Bike Security Patrols

Bike PatrolsSecurity Patrols on Bike by top Gun Security

Security services using bike patrols have some very distinct advantages.  The greatest advantage is that it allows for the security officers to interact close up with people during regular patrols.  They get to know the people they are protecting.  This creates an atmosphere of respect and familiarity.
Bikes also make for a quieter response.  Plus they have the ability to travel on sidewalks, around traffic and pedestrians.  They are also GREEN leaving less of a carbon footprint than conventional patrol cars. 

Security Officers on Bikes

Our bike patrol division performs the same security duties as normal security officers.  They can be armed or unarmed depending upon the need.  They are fit and are able to ride upwards of 20-30 miles per day comfortably and they are uniformed. 
Top Gun has developed a broad training and bike maintenance program to ensure that all of our security officers are properly trained and well equipped to perform their bike patrol duties in the safest and most efficient manner.

Security Bike Patrols

Top Gun Security has one of the largest bike patrol divisions in Texas.  We patrol the Austin, Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio regions.  We offer bike patrols to a wide variety of clients including:
  • Office Buildings
  • Retail Centers
  • Apartment Complexes
  • Parking Lots

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